The last news and information about 10000 B.C. Watch the trailer!
About 10000 B.C.
Title:10,000 B.C. Genre: Adventure/Drama Filming Location: Namibia Status: Post-Production Directed by: Roland Emmerich Starring:
Camilla Belle
Steven Strait Movie Release: March 7, 2008
10000 BC is heavily promoted since a few days. But who could better sell the movie to a spectator to be than the movie's director or its cast? Here they are:
Director Roland Emmerich introduces a look at his prehistoric adventure.
Are you ready for this prehistoric epic? For my part I know I'll go to the nearest theater tomorrow to watch 10,000 BC. :)
A second trailer has been released for 10000 BC, Roland Emmerich's upcoming movie.
Here it is:
Journey to a world lost in time!
The Day after tomorrow was already an incredible movie with its special effects. But this one! Well, watching 10000 BC is like traveling aboard a time machine! :)
10000 BC is Roland Emmerich's upcoming movie which tells the story of a young hunter in a time - 10,000 B.C. - when mammoths were still living on Earth. A second trailer has been released for 10000 BC.
Here it is:
Before everything we know, lies a legend never told... One man will chalenge an empire, and become the first Hero!
There is no denying that CG effects have really improved. The cinema industry is now at ease with them! Those mammoths look so great: as real as my pet! ;-)
A new poster has been released for 10000 BC (10000 BC Trailer) :
For sure this new poster will attract a lot more people to the theaters! But 10000 BC really deserves it: this movie is just amazing, it's not so often that we can imagine the prehistoric world after all. :)
Here the plot of this movie as announced by the production:
"It was a time when man and beast were untamed and the mighty mammoth roamed the earth. A time when ideas and beliefs were born that forever shaped mankind. 10,000 B.C. follows a young hunter (Steven Strait) on his quest to lead an army across a vast desert, battling saber tooth tigers and prehistoric predators as he unearths a lost civilization and attempts to rescue the woman he loves (Camilla Belle) from an evil warlord determined to possess her."
The title of this movie already rings a bell. And after watching the trailer one may but remember One Million Years B.C. and Raquel Welch in her splendid bikini.
In 10,000 B.C. the pin-up will be Camilla Belle.
10,000 B.C. is directed by Roland Emmerich ('Independance Day', 'The day after tomorrow') so I'm quite confident it's gonna be a really entertaining movie. We shall see in March 2008. ;-)